§ 100.12. Crossing Streets With Poles, Wires, Pipes, And Conduits.  

Latest version.
  • (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to cross any of the city streets with any line, wire, conduit, or pipe, without first obtaining a permit to make the crossing.  Any person desiring to cross any street within the city limits with any line, wire, conduit, or pipe, shall first obtain a permit from the Director of Public Works.

    (B)   Before the permit required by subsection (A) above shall be issued by the Director of Public Works, the person so requesting the permit shall furnish to the Director of Public Works a sketch showing the streets to be crossed and the manner and way in which the crossing shall be made, and shall further furnish the Director of Public Works a good and sufficient bond payable to the city, conditioned upon the repair of any street so crossed to its original condition.

    (C)   The bond shall be released upon inspection by the Director of Public Works after the crossing has been completed and provided the street has been restored to its original condition.  In the event the street is not restored to its original condition within ten days after notice from the Director of Public Works that the street is not in proper original condition, the bond payable to the city shall be forfeited to the city; and the city shall accept the bond in full liquidated damages for the damages done to the street and shall immediately restore the street to its original condition.  Any monies left over after the restoration of the street shall be returned to the party obtaining the permit.  In case the bond is not in a sufficient amount to restore the street so crossed, the person obtaining the permit shall be billed for the difference and the city shall be authorized to immediately proceed to collect the difference, if any, from the permittee.

    (D)   Before the permit shall be issued by the Director of Public Works upon request of any public utility company operating under a franchise agreement granted by the city, the utility company shall furnish to the Director of Public Works a sketch showing the street to be crossed and the manner and way in which the crossing shall be made.  However, the public utility companies shall not be required to post bond.  Compliance by the utility companies with each provision of this section is hereby required, with the exception of posting of bond.

    (Ord. 505, passed  - - ; Am. Ord. 84-59, passed 6-5-84)  Penalty, see § 10.99

('58 Code, § 44.39) (Ord. 80-22, passed 11-20-79)