§ 100.21. Permits; Fees.  

Latest version.
  • (A)   A permit from the Director of Public Works shall be required for the following types of construction or placement of materials whether in the public right-of-way or on private property and a permit fee shall be charged all persons performing such construction or placement.  However, permit fees will be waived on construction by public utility companies operating under a franchise agreement granted by the city and on construction of projects under contract with the city.  Permit fees shall be as follows.

    (1)   Paving.  Four (4) percent of cost as established by the Director of Public Works with a minimum fee of $40.

    (2)   Water distribution and sewerage systems.  Four (4) percent based on cost as established by the Director of Public Works with a minimum fee of $40.

    (3)   Seawalls, docks, groins, and waterfront structures and dredging.  Four (4) percent of cost as established by the Director of Public Works with a minimum fee of $40.

    (4)   Storm sewers.  Four (4) percent of cost as established by the Director of Public Works with a minimum of $40.

    (5)   Establishing grades.  $20 flat fee, which shall include all improvements not listed above.

    (B)   Should the applicant for the permit fail to supply the city administration with its detailed cost information, then the Director of Public Works shall value the cost of the improvement and determine the amount thereof in accordance with the following minimum cost factor table, if applicable, or other generally accepted cost factors.

    (1)   Streets.  Eight-inch stabilization, eight-inch lime-rock base and one-inch asphaltic concrete surface, $10 per square yard.

    (2)   Sidewalks.  Four-inch concrete, $14 per square yard.

    (3)   Storm sewers.

    15-inch.  $23 per lineal foot.

    18-inch.  $25 per lineal foot.

    21-inch.  $28 per lineal foot.

    24-inch.  $31 per lineal foot.

    27-inch.  $55 per lineal foot.

    30-inch.  $63 per lineal foot.

    33-inch.  $70 per lineal foot.

    36-inch.  $80 per lineal foot.

    42-inch.  $90 per lineal foot.

    48-inch. $100 per lineal foot.

    (4)   Seawalls.

    Inland waterways. $100 per lineal foot.

    Oceanfront.  $200 per lineal foot.

    (5)   Water distribution systems.

    6-inch pipe.  $12 per lineal foot.

    8-inch pipe.  $13 per lineal foot.

    10-inch pipe.  $15 per lineal foot.

    12-inch pipe.  $20 per lineal foot.

    (6)   Sanitary sewer systems.

    Gravity mains.  $60 per lineal foot.

    Force mains.  Same as water mains.

    (C)   The fees required by this section may be waived by the City Commission upon the City Commission determining that it is in the city's best interest to do so after considering the following:

    (1)   That the applicant for the permit is a governmental agency or other political subdivision of the state.

    (2)   That the proposed construction will generally be a benefit to the city and not principally a private benefit.

    (3)   That the applicant for the permit and/or its contractor is experienced in the type of construction for which a permit is requested.

(‘58 Code, § 44.46) (Ord. 66-33, passed 3-21-66; Am. Ord. 73-42, passed 5-1-73; Am. Ord. 80-25, passed 12-4-79; Am. Ord. 84-59, passed 6-5-84; Am. Ord. 90-24, passed 1-16-90; Am. Ord. 2006-54, passed 7-11-06)