§ 98.81. City-Owned Portable Stage.

Latest version.
  • (A)   City-owned portable stage usage shall be limited to recreational, cultural, charitable, or city-sponsored events. Use of the portable stage shall be limited to the Pompano Beach municipal boundaries unless the City Manager authorizes the use of the portable stage outside the municipal boundaries if he determines that such use is in the best interest of the city.

    (B)   Persons or groups wishing to utilize the portable stage shall submit an application to the Special Events Supervisor on forms provided by the city no more than 45 days prior to the scheduled event for which the portable stage is requested.

    (C)   Upon approval of the permit but prior to the issuance thereof, persons or groups requesting the portable stage shall provide the following:

    (1)   Rental charges.

             (a)   All applicants shall pay a $25 nonrefundable application fee. Application fee of $25 shall be waived if the application is attached with a public event application.

    (b)   Not-for-profit organizations registered to do business in the State of Florida shall pay a minimum fee of $75 for the portable stage for the first day of use. An additional $50 shall be charged for every additional day of use.

    (c)   Persons or for profit organizations shall pay a minimum fee of $150 for the portable stage for the first day of use. An additional $75 shall be charged for every additional day of use.

    (2)   Damage deposit. The applicant agrees to surrender the portable stage in as good a state and condition as it was when the use commenced and to this end a $250 damage deposit shall be required from all persons or groups utilizing the portable stage for which a fee is charged. The applicant shall be solely responsible for any damage from whatever cause that may occur to the portable stage while it is being utilized by the applicant or at which time the applicant has the authority to use the portable stage. The deposit shall be applied to correct any damage which may occur to the portable stage. The city and the applicant shall inspect the condition of the portable stage prior to its use and any damage shall be noted prior to the commencement of the use. Upon return of the portable stage the city shall conduct an inspection and the deposit shall not be returned to the applicant until any and all damage to the portable stage is corrected and the expenses thereof shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant. The deposit shall be applied to cover any corrective expenses; however, the applicant’s obligation shall not be limited by the amount of the deposit, and the applicant shall be responsible for the full cost of all corrective expenses.

    (D)   Events which are Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department directed events shall not be required to pay a fee.

    (E)   All fees for event, including personnel, usage, etc. must be paid in full within ten business days of the event. If any damage has occurred, the applicant shall be liable for payment for damage. A refund of 75% of the total rental charge paid for the portable stage will be given if the cancellation is made ten days or more prior to the event date. No refunds for the rental charge for the portable stage will be made if the cancellation is less than ten days from the event date. A refund of 100% of the damage deposit will be provided should rental of the portable stage be cancelled. Any event cancelled by the City of Pompano Beach will receive a full refund.

    (F)   Requirements set forth for use of the portable stage, including but not limited to waiver of fees may be adjusted by the City Manager when the City Manager determines it is in the best interest of the city to do so.

(Ord. 2012-12, passed 11-22-11; Am. Ord. 2014-27, passed 2-25-14)