§ 98.01. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this chapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

    EVIDENCE OF RESIDENCY.   As used in this chapter and relating to discount fees for all municipal facilities, may be established upon producing a current government issued photo identification and proof of any of the following:

    (1)   Presentation of a declaration of domicile recorded in the Public Records of Broward County or a Broward County voter's registration card, which shows that the individual resides within the corporate limits of the City of Pompano Beach.

    (2)   Proof of property ownership, a copy of a current and validly executed lease agreement, copies of the most recent water, electric, gas or other utility bills, which demonstrate that the individual resides within the corporate limits of the City of Pompano Beach.

    MEMBER.   Any person who holds a playing privilege; members shall have no rights or privileges other than the playing period.

    PARK or RECREATIONAL FACILITY. Any park, recreation activities center, swimming pool, tennis court, or any other area in the city, owned or used by the city, and devoted to active or passive recreation, including but not limited to, the Pompano Beach Golf Course, Public Beach, Aquatic Facilities, and Recreation Centers/Facilities.

    PERMIT.   An administrative or recreation facility document granting an individual or organization exclusive use of a City of Pompano Beach park and playground facility which is normally open to the public.  The permit shall set forth the terms and conditions for use in accordance with approved policies and procedures.  Additionally, the applicant shall be required to comply with all applicable laws and ordinances.

    POMPANO BEACH PUBLIC BEACH.   That portion of the beach bounded on the north by a line 19.6 feet south of and parallel to the south lot line of lot 4, Silver Beach, which boundary is also the south property line of 504 North Ocean Boulevard; on the west by the sidewalk on the east side of North Pompano Beach Boulevard; on the south by the north lot line of lot 2, block 1, Blount Brothers subdivision, this line also being the north line of the property located at 8 Briny Avenue; on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Excluded from the above description is the existing Pompano Beach Fishing Pier and its adjacent parking lot.  The public beach shall also include those areas set forth in § 98.14 of the Pompano Beach Code of Ordinances.  The terms municipal beach, public beach, and municipal public beach as used in this chapter are synonymous.


    (1)   Any organized formation, parade, procession, or assembly consisting of persons, animals, vehicles, or any combination thereof, traveling in unison and with a common purpose upon any public street, highway, alley, sidewalk, or other public way which does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations or controls; or

    (2)   Any other organized activity or set of activities conducted by an individual, group, or entity for a common or collective use or benefit including, but not limited to, events providing food concessions and/or alcoholic beverages, utilizing vendors or charging admission to invitees, and which involves the use of public facilities and the possible or necessary provision of city services ancillary thereto, including, but not limited to, the need for security, road closures, Fire Rescue inspection/personnel, Public Works personnel, and the need for a building permit.

    (3)   CITY PUBLIC EVENT is an event with is initiated, financed and executed by the city and approved by the City Commission. Examples of CITY PUBLIC EVENTS include the Annual Nautical Flea Market, July 4 Celebration, Music Under The Stars and the Annual Yuletide Celebration. It does not include events in which the city is merely listed as a co-sponsor.

    PUBLIC EVENT COMMITTEE. The PUBLIC EVENT COMMITTEE shall review all public event applications to approve or disapprove and set conditions for any such event based upon the criteria set forth in this chapter. The PUBLIC EVENT COMMITTEE shall be comprised of representatives as appointed by the City Manager from the following departments: Public Works, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts, city’s law enforcement agency, Risk Management, Development Services and Fire Rescue.

(‘58 Code, § 33.04) (Ord. 713, passed 7-28-59; Am. Ord. 65-32, passed 3-8-65; Am. Ord. 78-28, passed 1-31-78; Am. Ord. 81-31, passed 1-27-81; Am. Ord. 88-67, passed 6-14-88; Am. Ord. 88-74, passed 7-19-88; Am. Ord. 89-96, passed 9-19-88; Am. Ord. 90-2, passed 9-19-89; Am. Ord. 93-23, passed 2-9-93; Am. Ord. 2012-12, passed 11-22-11; Am. Ord. 2014-27, passed 2-25-14)